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write offの例文


  • mr . president , i don't wanna write off any americans yet .
  • and people would often write off someone who's nonverbal
    そして人々は言葉を話せない人を しばしば駄目だと見なします
  • for my part , i'd be willing to write off what i can , but mine isn't even the biggest expense .
    私の治療に関しては 断っても構わないが ほかはもっと高い
  • it'd have to be a very good reason for a daughter to write off her father . so what'd he take care of to get her so upset ?
    父親を無視した 何か理由があった 彼は動揺して "それは解決した"と打ってる
  • both families came to an agreement to make the son of the kujirai family take over the business of the rokuro umewaka family in order to write off the debt .